Things You See in Guatemala 

This post won't follow a theme, but comes from photos Mary took while waiting for us to replace the tires on our car. Another testament as to the climate in which we live comes from the produce that is sold on the side of the road.

There are quite a few fruit stands and, this time of year, they are often dominated by pineapple. We have enjoyed those we have eaten. I didn't get pictures but there are many coconuts and bananas sold around here as well.

As we travel along the highway, we often see people who have been harvesting firewood for their houses. They carry wood on their backs supported by a strap that goes over their forehead. As you can see, this gentleman is carrying quite a load. Many men here carry a machete strapped to their side.

Former school buses, probably purchased used from the US, are the most common form of public transportation around here. As you can see, they like to decorate the buses and name them. This one is "Danielita". Mary calls them "Bling Buses" and finds them very entertaining. They are also called "chicken buses" because they sometimes carry chickens and many other things on top. The front end is usually jacked up for some reason, some more than others.

There is always someone hanging out the door whose job, I think, is to yell to potential passengers and to get them loaded and/or unloaded as quickly as possible. Some of these buses seem to be the biggest polluters in the area.


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