Guatemala Miraflores Temple Groundbreaking Ceremony

The Communications Department was mainly in charge of the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Miraflores Temple on December 3, 2022. It was well-attended and everything seemed to go smoothly. Mary and I were assigned to help greet opinion leaders from government and other faith systems who had been invited. We enjoyed greeting these people and all seemed pleased to have been invited. The first lady of Honduras was among them and she stopped to tell us about her family members who are members of the Church.

We turned a shovel after everyone else was done.

 Here is a photo of the first wave of dignitaries who participated. The youth choir you see in the back ground, with their accompanists, did a wonderful job with "I Know that My Redeemer Lives".

                       Here we are standing by the artist's rendition of what the temple will look like. 
                              The event went quite well and I think all who attended were blessed.


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