Light the World Giving Machines

Guatemala and Mexico City were chosen to host the the first ever Giving Machines in Latin America.

An Area Seventy and two people from the organization that treats children with cancer, at no cost to their families, were the speakers. We had a pretty good turnout between church members and people from AYUVI (the child cancer group). 

AYUVI was supposed to man the giving machines the rest of the day but somehow that fell apart. I received an emotional call from one of the ladies in charge for help, so Mary and I went back. I attended to the machine on the lower level for a couple of hours.


Here is a sample of the cards held in the machine and dispensed according to the donation a person made. Each contains a picture of one of the children AYUVI has treated for cancer along with the service to the child for which the person is donating. The last total I saw said that roughly $7500 were donated. (I inserted this last part after the campaign for 2022 was completed.)


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