Kaminaljuyu Archaeological Site in Guatemala City
On Saturday, we visited the Kaminaljuyu Archaeological Site that is right in Guatemala City. It is the site of a large city dating back to centuries before Christ. Several layers had been built through the centuries until it was finally abandoned. Here are a couple of views from one of two larger areas where ancient buildings have been uncovered.
We are at a site within the complex where those of Mayan descent come to make ritualistic/burnt offerings. We are told that many who do this have converted to Catholicism but they have held on to some of Mayan practices.
Here is another site where, as we were told on our previous visit, is where much of the archeological research is performed here. When they remove the soil cover, they have to build another as the type of adobe used by the ancient people is subject to significant erosion, if left uncovered.
From there, we drove to a museum which does a good job of documenting the different peoples and cultures which previously occupied what is now Guatemala City. We didn´t think to take many pictures but her is one of Thomas sitting above the uncovered burial site of someone of nobility.
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