Christmas Eve and Christmas Day - 2023 I was responsible for the Christmas Eve Sacrament meeting and organized one like what I have experienced in the U.S. We sang Christmas hymns, and in between, I had several people read Christmas passages from the scriptures. It turned out well and the branch president asked me for the program because he wants to do it again next year. Here is a photo of some of the members and missionaries that stayed around after the meeting. That evening, we had a Christmas Eve gathering with the other senior missionary couples in our building. We first had a potluck dinner that was delicious. The Turleys hosted it and she put in extra effort in decorating for it. After dinner we read scriptures from Matthew and Luke about the birth of the Savior and then watched the most recent Church nativity video. As part of that gathering, we went caroling on all floors of our apartment building. Elder Turley accompanied us on the...
Showing posts from December, 2023
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Christmas Events - 2023 We made it back to Guatemala after Lucy's funeral just in time to participate in the Christmas devotional put on by the Area Presidency and their wives for the Area employees and missionaries. Afterward, they provided a very nice lunch in the large building next to the chapel. The brother who used to be in charge of the cafeteria in the Guatemala MTC (now the Area Office) provided the meal. He and his team do a great job. After the meal, we went to the Area Office to help set up for the Communications Department Christmas breakfast they were to provide for influencers (government, religious, service) in the area. The wives of the area presidency and others were in charge of the decorations and the table settings. They did an amazing job, as you can see. Here is a view of the group before all arrived. For fun - a site you don't see in the US anymore. Someone using a pay phone to make a call.
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Communications Department Christmas Party - Dec. 2023 The communications department had their Christmas celebration last night. The gathering was held at a large community which has a mixture of commercial and residential facilities. It is upscale and very nice. Everything is basically painted white with tile roofs. Behind us you see the CocaCola tree that changes colors and designs frequently. Here is another example of the many, very decorative looks it takes on. These are the four full-time employees in the communications department, Daniel, Karen (the director), Jeniffer and Christian. Here we are having dinner at a Mexican restaurant located in this large complex. Mary and I had chicken tacos. I asked the server to bring me the lemonade type he preferred so he brought me strawberry lemonade. The whole complex was decorated quite nicely. This is another example of the decorations. Mary had made banana bread for everyone that they were excited to receive.
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Torre de Valle Apartment Building Christmas Party 2023 The management of the apartment building in which we live put on a Christmas dinner and gathering. We all contributed a small amount. We hear that most of the apartments in the building are occupied which would indicate that the turnout for the dinner was rather light.That could be because the invitation process wasn't very effective. We only heard about it because another couple told us. Up front are most of the employees of the building who were all asked to make a comment. The gentleman to your right is the General Manager.
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Guazacapan District Christmas Party - December 9, 2023 A week ago, the District in which our branch is located (Guazacapan) held a Christmas party. We have a new district presidency, all of whom live outside the district, and they are bringing about a lot of positive change. Before the party, we participated in the Seminary and Institute graduation. Here are the four graduates with Priesthood leaders. The young woman in blue, Allisone, is from our branch and is very sharp. I think she has a promising future. Our branch president is on her right and the new district president is on his right. The District Christmas party was well done and well attended. There were three MCs for the program part of the party, and this good brother was one of them. He is a former district and branch president. As you can see, he has lost a leg. He is also blind. He is laughing which is not rare for him. In spite of his considerable physical challenges he is a cheerful, outgoing man....
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Lucy Louise Lunt, October 25, 2008 - November 18, 2023 Lucy, apx. 6 months Lucy, age 14 Late Friday night, we had gotten a family text from Chad saying that Lucy was in the hospital due to a mucos plug that the nurse wasn´t able to remove. Her heart had stopped, but they were able to revive her, and things appeared to be improving. The next morning, we got the text that she had passed away around 11:30p.m. after ...