The Trip Home - 2/08/2024


I thought I might hand out the last of my Jesus cards on one of the flights home so I had Mary take this photo. I am glad to have this picture to remind me of an important part of my Guatemala mission. I handed out approximately 700 Jesus cards in just under 18 months in Guatemala. In the beginning, I gave one to each cashier with whom we interacted in a store and with others who helped us. As we walked, I would hand one to various people we encountered if I felt prompted. Each time I gave one out, I pointed to my name badge and commented it was because of Jesus that we were there. 

We were very excited to be met at the SLC airport by April, Emmett, Alli, Brooke and Maggie. It was a happy reunion and an opportunity to play with grandchildren.

With that, I end the blog for our Guatemalan mission. Serving that mission truly has blessed us.


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